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A New Look at Church


When Peter Panagore died on the side of a mountain in 1980, resulting in a profound near-death experience, his life was changed forever. Decades later, his intense spiritual journey continues. Ultimately it impelled him to pursue a degree from Yale Divinity School focusing upon Theology and Christian Mysticism. While serving as an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, he became a global best-selling author and also spent 15 years as daily host of a national TV/Radio inspirational show, with over 30 million viewers. Then, in 2015, he suffered a heart attack which resulted in yet another near-death experience. After surviving this second NDE, he began to realize that his ideas of faith and church had changed.

Today, the Rev. Panagore's work is primarily focused on a ministry he describes as "Not Church"—a movement to help individuals move beyond a belief IN God to an experience OF God. He states, "The familiar Christian scriptures are often our launching point on Sunday mornings; yet you may hear these familiar stories retold through the lens of my own near-death experiences." He continues, "Mysticism is both ancient and current. And, mythology, symbols and metaphor are the often the language used by mystics, from Rumi to Jesus and from Loa Tzu to Patanjali." Learn more about the Rev. Panagore at:

September 18

The Divine Language of Coincidence

November 12

Contemplative Retreat